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Sunday 17 May 2020

Deep Water by William Douglas

Hello Friends.

 Welcome to your English Class. Today we will talk about the chapter “Deep Water” by William O’ Douglas.


Know the Author :

William Douglas (1898-1980) was born in Maine, Minnesota. Douglas was a leading advocate of individual rights. He retired in 1975 with a term lasting thirty-six years and remains the longest-serving Justice in the history of the court. The following excerpt is taken from his autobiography “Of Men and Mountains”.

 Theme :

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The essay deals with a psychological phenomenon Fear factor. Author has delineated the whole state of affairs related with the creation of fear in his innocent mind while he was a child of 3-4 years only. He makes 3 incidents responsible for emergence of fear from water. He had an aversion of water which ruined all his fishing, canoeing, boating and swimming trips. The first impression of fear of water was created by his father, who took him to the California beach. Douglas was swept over by a wave, tried to jump over his father but failed and ultimately buried in water. Secondly when he was willing to learn swimming at YMCA pool Washington, his mother generated the fear of water by reminding him all the deaths happened in the Yakima river, which was considered by her ‘treacherous’. But YMCA pool was quite safe for learning how to swim. The third misadventure happened with him at YMCA pool, when he was alone at the pool one day & was waiting at the side of the pool for the other to come. Suddenly he was tossed into the 9 feet deep side of the pool by a muscular boy of 18. Douglas’ fear of water again revived. But he collected his strength and tried to jump from the bottom of the pool to come to the surface of the water and then coming to the edge of the pool. But he failed in all his 3 efforts and ultimately became unconscious. When he woke up, he was lying at the side of the pool, probably he was saved by the same boy who threw him into the pool. This fear of water struck to his heart and remained there for years.

After some years he made up his mind and hired a trainer, practiced one hour per day & 5 days a week. A rope was attached with the belt of Douglas and caught hold by the instructor over the pulley so as to save him when he is in a drowning position. He gave him ample practice and exercises. He taught him how to inhale and exhale. Then he practiced him kicking by his legs at the side of the pool. Bit by bit he made a perfect swimmer in Douglas.

But Douglas was not sure of eradication of his fear of water so he tested his learning of swimming in the pool alone, Lake Wentworth and Warm Lake. At last he felt relaxed and rooted out his aversion of water. This could have been possible only with strong will power and determination.

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Glossary of difficult words :




Involving betrayal or deception

Subdued my pride

Overcome, bring under control

Flailed at the surface

Wave, Swing

Landlocked salmon

Entirely surrounded by land


A mishap, an unfortunate incident


Ease with which a task can be achieved




Awaken, begin, arouse strong feeling




A person who is tough and aggressive and enjoys a fight or argument


Wave like surface


Push under water


Break open or apart suddenly and violently






Difficulty in breathing


Pound,  Vibrate









Crossed to Oblivion

State of being unconscious


Hard work

Sick to my stomach

Disgusted, shocked


Walk with difficulty in fairly deep water


Small lightweight boat




Questions from the CBSE Papers :

Q. 1 ‘All we have to fear is fear itself’. When did Douglas learn this lesson ? CBSE AI 2016 (3)

– experience of fear and death and its conquest made him live


– conquering fear made him realise true value of life and helped him

enjoy every moment of life

– learnt ‘all we have to fear is fear itself’

– made him more confident and determined

(Any Two)


Q. 2 Fear is something that we must learn to overcome if we want to succeed in life. How did Douglas get over his fear of water ? CBSE AI 2018 (6M)

- appointed a swimming instructor, went to the pool, practised five days a week,

an hour each day, in six months, learnt to swim, in July tested his newly learnt

skills in different lakes and water bodies.


Q. 3 How did the instructor turn Douglas into a swimmer ? CBSE AI 2019 1-1-1 (3M)

- engaged an instructor to learn swimming. Instructor made him practice for five days a week an hour every day. Tied a rope attached to a pulley, free from fear of water

- taught him to breathe and exhale underwater.

- made him kick his legs

- piece by piece he built a swimmer

(any two)


Q. 4 Why did William Douglas choose Y.M.C.A. pool when he decided to learn to swim ? CBSE AI 2019 1-1-2 (3M)

- Yakima river was treacherous/ many have drowned there(mother’s warning)

- Y.M.C.A. pool was safer /only 2 or 3 feet deep at the shallow end, the deep end was 9 ft.

- the drop was gradual

(any two)


Q. 5 Which two incidents in the life of William Douglas before he was ten years old created an aversion in his mind to water ? CBSE AI 2019 1-1-3, 1-2-1 (3)

- when he was three or four years old – went to the beach in California with his father – huge wave knocked him down / swept over him / he was buried under water

- he was frightened at the overpowering force of the wave

Note- If only one incident is mentioned accept it as full answer /if the student writes about the YMCA incident also he/she should be duly marked.

Q. 6 Douglas has a near-death experience in his childhood which has a negative as well as a positive outcome. Justify the statement with evidences from the text.      CBSE AI 2019 1-4-1 (6)


Q. 7 What qualities turned the diffident Douglas into a good swimmer ? CBSE AI 2019 1-4-2 (3)


Q. 8 Childhood fears are deeply entrenched in our mind. Determination, hard work and right training are needed to get rid of them. Comment on the statement in the light of Douglas’ efforts to overcome his fear of water. CBSE AI 2019 1-4-3 (6)

At California beach felt suffocated when knocked down by a large wave

Misadventure at the YMCA pool

Fears restrict our happiness and joy

Deprived him of enjoying fishing trips with friends

He was determined to overcome his fear

The instructor could build him into a good swimmer only because of his will power and perservance

Douglas tested himself in different locations without any assistance – made persistent efforts

His steadiness and tenacity empowered him to fight his fear.

(Any other relevant point)

(Any three)


Q. 9 Douglas says, ‘‘The instructor was finished, but I was not.’’ What did the instructor teach Douglas ? How did Douglas finish the task begun by the instructor ? CBSE AI 2019 1-5-1 (6)

- instructor taught Douglas how to swim

- Douglas tried swimming alone in the pool

- swam across lakes and water bodies testing his swimming skills


Q. 10 How did Douglas completely overcome his fear of water through hard work and determination ? CBSE AI 2019 1-5-2 (6)

- hired an instructor

- practised 5 days a week; an hour each day - rope attached to belt around his waist - the rope went through a pulley which ran on an overhead cable - went back and forth in the pool - learnt how to inhale and exhale in water - piece by piece was built into a swimmer (any three)



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Deep Water by William Douglas

Hello Friends.   Welcome to your English Class. Today we will talk about the chapter “Deep Water” by William O’ Douglas.   Know the Au...