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Saturday 16 May 2020

Keeping Quiet

Hello Friends.

Today we will talk about the third poem of your syllabus "Keeping Quiet" by Pablo Neruda.

About the Poet :

Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) is the pen name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto who was born in the town of Parral in Chile. Neruda’s poems are full of easily understood images which make them no less beautiful. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year 1971. Among his noticeable works some are A Song of Despair, Book of Twilights & Ardent Patience.

Theme of Keeping Quiet :

The poet urges from the reader to know the need of quiet introspection and creating a feeling of universal brotherhood. The poem is an anti-war poem discussing the disastrous effects caused by war, the role of human being from the lowest strata (laborers) to the highest level (i.e. politicians, army and power hungry people). For all the humans of the world the post has suggested a unanimous concept to remain silent, still, counting one to twelve & introspect ourselves so as to ensure a better future for us all. He urges from man to establish a balance between his progress and the conservation of natural resources for the forthcoming generations or the other animal species of this earth.

Leaving behind all individual differences of cast, creed, race, complexion, language and nationality the poet wishes from man to introspect upon our past events and plan his future activities for the establishment peace, unity and universal brotherhood. It has been urged of the war mongers, politicians, army and the persons seeking power to stop the war and divert their energy for the betterment of man, else the resultant effect of war would lead to victory but without anyone to celebrate. The poet pleads that we should stop all our activities even for a moment and unanimously observe the concept of silent introspection. He made his intention clear that “doing nothing” doesn’t mean total inactivity but not at the cost of our own future. Man has destroyed the natural resources upto an alarming level and even ceased the share of other animal species, which is leading him to his own death.

In the concluding lines the poet makes his concept of silent introspection through the image of the Earth, which has latent seeds in its soil for the whole winter but just the arrival of spring season life will grow, new roots and shoots grow. He has tried to made his intention clear that quiet introspection does not mean total inactivity but analyzing the past events so as to create a better world for tomorrow.

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Now we will count to twelve

and we will all keep still.


For once on the face of the Earth

let’s not speak in any language,

let’s stop for one second,

and not move our arms so much.

At the very onset the poet urges from all to be still and count from one to twelve. The symbol of ‘Twelve’ has been brought to represent 12 divisions of a clock or 12 zodiac signs or the 12 months of a year. The poet urges from man to leave aside the barriers of language, caste, creed and nationality and work for the universal concept of peace on the whole Earth. ‘Language’ is the symbol to represent a country or a race. His earnest desire is the universal peace, harmony and brotherhood which is quite apparent from the word “Earth” It is the solemn prayer from the whole humanity to not to wedge war against each other.

Alliteration – “We will” in line 1,2

Pun – “Arms” indicating 2 meaning ‘hands’ & ‘weapons’

It would be an exotic moment

without rush, without engines,

we would all be together

in a sudden strangeness.


The poet tries to clarify that the moment of quiet introspection will be a unique moment. He also urges from man to stop their rush and the industry as well. In that moment poet visualize the universal peace and the sense of brotherhood. 

Alliteration = “Sudden strangeness”

Repetition = “without rush, without engines”

Fishermen in the cold sea

would not harm whales

and the man gathering salt

would look at his hurt hands.

In the strange moment of silent introspection we would be able to look at our past activities. Fishermen is used here as a symbol to represent all hunters who destroy the natural resources just for their meager profit. Poet pleads them to stop this devastating activity.  Whale is the representative of all the animal species present on the Earth. The lowest strata of society poor labourers represented by “man gathering salt” who are always ready to work in the direst conditions, are also been urged to look for their own health issues.

Alliteration = “his hurt hands”

Those who prepare green wars,

wars with gas, wars with fire,

victory with no survivors,

would put on clean clothes

and walk about with their


in the shade, doing nothing.

The poet talks about the end product of war through the paradox of “Victory with no survivors”. The word “Those” represents here the warmongers, politicians, power hungry people, scientists and army who are intentionally wedging war leading to the devastation of human society.

The appeal of the poet is the follow the path of peace, purity and serenity represented by clean clothes leaving behind all barriers of cast, creed, race, nationality or language. The path of universal brotherhood is suggested by the poet. He appeals each and every to follow the path of “doing nothing”.

Paradox = “victory with no survivors”

Repetition = “wars with gas, wars with fire”

What I want should not be confused

with total inactivity.

Life is what it is about;

I want no truck with death.

If we were not so single-minded

about keeping our lives moving,

and for once could do nothing,

perhaps a huge silence

might interrupt this sadness

of never understanding ourselves

and of threatening ourselves with death.

The poet explains the concept of “doing nothing” and express that it does not mean total inactivity. The poet presents the idea of sustainable development through ‘Life is what it is about’ which is devoid of war and death. The reason behind the phenomenon of war is single mindedness of man i.e. his working day and night just for his own progress, extorting all the natural resources just for his cause. Man shares the earth with millions of animal species, which have their own importance in the maintenance of the earth. Man has never understood himself and the nature as well, making unrestricted use of the natural resources for his comfort only. This is an open invitation to the “death” of whole human race with the extinction of natural resources.

Alliteration = “we were”

Perhaps the Earth can teach us

as when everything seems dead

and later proves to be alive.


Now I’ll count up to twelve

and you keep quiet and I will go.

In the concluding stanza the poet personifies Earth as a teacher to preach us a lesson of quiet introspection with an example of seeds, which lay hidden and latent in soil for the whole winter but germinate with the arrival of spring season. The poet sets an example with himself to follow this simple method of quiet introspection and stillness

Personification = “Earth”


Questions from previous years’ CBSE Paper of AISSCE :


Q. 1 ‘Life is what it is all about;….’ How is keeping quiet related to life ? CBSE AI 2015-1 (3M)

– people pursue their goals single-mindedly on keeping their lives moving

– would be better if they give themselves some time for rest

– keep quiet – will help when they are sad / dont understand themselves / threaten themselves with death

– silence is productive and stillness is progress

– how earth seems still but nurtures life under apparent stillness

(any 2)


Q. 2 Why does one feel ‘a sudden strangeness’ on counting to twelve and keeping quiet ? CBSE AI 2015-2 (3M)

– counting upto twelve and introspection will build a sudden and strange feeling of universal brotherhood / enjoy a unique moment / exotic moment / unusual / everything has come to a standstill / no talk / no activity


Q. 3 How will ‘keeping quiet’ protect our environment ? CBSE AI 2015-3 (3M)

– in a moment of inactivity fishermen will not harm the whales / man will not indiscriminately exploit nature for his vested interests and harm himself (man gathering salt will look at his own hands) / e.g. no green wars, no wars with gases


Q. 4 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : CBSE AI 2016 (4 M)

Now we will count to twelve

and we will all keep still.

For once on the face of the earth

Let’s not speak in any language,

Let’s stop for one second,

and not move our arms so much.

a)   What is the significance of the number ‘twelve’

b)   Which two activities does the poet want us to stop?

c)    What does the poet mean by ‘let’s not speak in any language ‘?

d)   Describe the pun on the word, ‘arms’

Value Points in M.S.:


- the twelve divisions in the clock / measure of time

- twelve months in the year

- at twelve o’clock the hands in the clock unite suggesting amity and unity

- twelve zodiac signs covers all people.

(any one)


- not to speak in any language and not to move our arms so much.


-        Pleads to be silent and introspect

-        Sudden silence an opportunity to introspect

-        Different language symbolize differences

-        Silence would break barriers between communities

-        Silence symbolic of amity and brotherhood

(any one)


-        Arms refer to weapons and the arms in the human body


Q. 5 How would keeping quiet affect life in and around the sea ? CBSE AI 2017–1 (3 M)

-whales /sea life wouldn’t be harmed

-helpful in maintaining ecological balance

-person gathering salt would look at his hurt hands- gives everyone time for introspection

(any two)


Q. 6 How is the Earth a source of life when all seems dead on it ? (Keeping Quiet) CBSE AI 2017-2 (3 M)

- the seeds lie dormant through Winter

- spring to life with the advent of Spring

- celebrating life


Q. 7 How is total inactivity on the Earth in the winter months full of life ? (Keeping Quiet) CBSE AI 2017-3 (3M)

- the seeds lie dormant through Winter

- spring to life with the advent of Spring

- celebrating life


Q. 8 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 1x4=4M CBSE AI 2019 1-2-1

Perhaps the Earth can teach us

as when everything seems dead

and later proves to be alive.

Now I’ll count up to twelve

and you keep quiet and I will go.

 (a) Name the poem and its poet. 1

 (b) What does the Earth teach us ? 1

 (c) What does the poet want to achieve by counting up to twelve ?1

 (d)  Give  an example  of  what  now  seems  to  be  dead  but  later on becomes alive. 1

Value Points suggested in CBSE Marking Scheme :


Keeping quiet; Pablo Neruda (½ + ½)


There is always life under apparent stillness / stillness doesn’t mean inactivity / seems dead but later proves to be alive


To stop for a while and reflect / understand ourselves / to introspect


Seed that is there inside the earth seems to be dead but later in the month of spring germinates as a new life / nature is eternal, it creates, reproduces, dies and regenerates.


Q. 9 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow : 1X4=4M CBSE AI 2019 1-3-1, 1-5-1

Those who prepare green wars,

wars with gas, wars with fire,

victory with no survivors,

would put on clean clothes

and walk about with their brothers

in the shade, doing nothing.

(a) Whom does the word ‘those’ refer to ? 1

(b) What does the poet mean by : ‘put on clean clothes’ ? 1

(c) Describe the irony in the third line. 1

(d) When can a person walk about with ‘their’ brothers ? 1

Value Points suggested in CBSE Marking Scheme :


-        Warmongers / power hungry people / politicians / scientists / army


-        Change of attitude from war to peace / clean soul / change from negative to positive / getting away from malicious feelings like hatred, jealously etc. / clothes unsoiled by blood


-        Victory but no survivors to enjoy it / futility of war / although victorious, no one left to celebrate.


-        When there is harmony / brotherhood / mutual understanding / when he introspects and realizes his folly (mistake)


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