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Monday 4 May 2020

The Tiger King - Kalki Krishnamurthy

Hello Friends

Today we will discuss the second chapter of the Supplementary Reader  “Vistas”

The Tiger King by Kalki Krishnamurthy

About the Author :

Kalki Krishnamurthy (1899-1954) was a Tamil writer, journalist, poet, critic and freedom fighter. He is best known by his pen name Kalki. His works comprise 120 short stories, 5 novels and 3 historical romances, editorial and political writings, biographies & travelogues. Through his writings Kalki has the magical power to transport the author to the times of the story.

Theme of “The Third Level” By Jack Finney

The theme of the chapter is to depict the whimsical mind and mad pursuits and hobbies of the people those who are in power. The author takes us to the times of British Rule in India when all the kings were under the thumb of the British Empire. The story focuses on the whimsical vow of a king of Pratibandhpuram state to prove false a prophecy made by the chief astrologer at the time of his birth that his death would be caused by a tiger because he is born in the hour of the bull, tiger and bull are enemies. The King suspended every other task till the killing of the 100th tiger. He issued orders that nobody will throw even a stone at a tiger. Only Maharaja can kill tigers in his state. He took tiger hunting as a mission and thus completed 70 tiger hunts in 10 years. He selected a native state with largest tiger population which has a princess in the royal family to get married, so as to fulfill his ambition of hunting 100 tigers because his own state ran dry. He hunted all the tigers of his own state and his father-in-law’s state as well.

Suddenly he got news from a hillside village about the presence of a tiger. He exempted the village from all taxes for 3 years. But when he could not find any tiger in the forests of the hillside village he doubled the tax of the village in a rage & fired so many employees from their job. The dewan arranged an old tiger from the People’s Park of Madras and planted it in the forest near the King’s presence. The tiger itself went to Maharaja and was shot by the King. Thus Maharaja killed the 100th tiger, ordered to be brought in grand procession to the capital and went away. But hunters checked and found the tiger to be alive and shot it dead. So the tiger king killed 99 tigers, 100th tiger was killed by the hunters.

After the completion of his ambition the King celebrated the third birthday of his son. He selected a cheaper wooden tiger as gift for him which was carved by an unskilled carpenter. Next day a sliver pierced the Maharaja’s right hand when he was playing with his son using that toy tiger. In 4 days infection flared in his right hand and 3 doctors from Madras decided to operate. The doctors operated upon him and declared that the operation was successful but the king is dead. Thus the Nature took its revenge in form of the 100th wooden tiger.

 Important Characters :

1.   The Tiger King

2.   The Dewan

3.   The Chief astrologer

Let's revise through a mindmap :

Let's study the original text and note down the meaning of difficult words :

Download Chapter : The Tiger King



Strategic withdrawal

Marketing strategy in which a company withdraws from a particular market either to survive in the market or in view of its profitability.


A type of german military aircraft much used in ww-ii


Move back or withdraw.




Urgent; essential






Surprising and unexpected event


Unable to move being surprised and frightened


Condition of being unable to think




Making a very high sound or cry


Impossible to believe


Quite; a slight degree


Show great fear


Rough sound usually in anger


Ability to understand an event after it had happened.

Court of wards

The court of wards was a legal body created by the east india company and its purpose was to protect heirs and their estates when the heir was deemed to be a minor and therefore incapable of acting independently.


Speak in a slow, lazy way


Bunch of hair as a custom


Not logical or internally consistent.


Official announcement




Taken or seized with authority


Take oath

Well set

Firmly established; solidly fixed or arranged.




Dead body




Stop from doing something




No longer in existence


Ritual suicide by disembowelment with a sword, formerly practised in japan by samurai as an honourable alternative to disgrace or execution.


Wave or flourish a weapon


Tremble with fear


Make beautiful or attractive

Fever pitch

Extreme excitement






Find out for certain


In a deliberate and unprovoked way.


Openly disregard


Refuse to change his mind




Extremely unfortunate




Pull or drag


Action of asking or begging


Crushed to form creases and wrinkles.




The action of moving forward in an orderly way.






A small thin piece of wood


Undergo the formation of pus; fester.



 Watch the Video and carefully study the PPT of mind-maps covering all aspects of the chapter :

Watch the Video : The Tiger King Part-I

Download Mindmap PPT : The Tiger King

Questions appeared in the Previous Years' CBSE Papers and sample answers :

Q. The manner of his (the Tiger King’s) death is a matter of extraordinary interest. Comment. CBSE AI 2015-1 (3M)

vows to kill hundred tigers to ensure his longevity 

as soon as he was born, astrologers had foretold that one day the Tiger King would be killed by a tiger

Q. When was the Tiger King in danger of losing his throne ? CBSE AI 2015-2 (3M)

– the Maharaja had annoyed a high-ranking British officer by refusing him permission to hunt tigers in Pratibandapuram

- not even allowed the officer photographed with a dead tiger

Q. Why did the Tiger King decide to get married ? CBSE AI 2015-3 (3M), CBSE AI 2017-1 (3M)

Q. Which problem did the Maharaja face when he had killed seventy tigers ? How did he solve it ? CBSE AI 2017-2 (3M)

Q. What considerations influenced the Tiger King to get married ? CBSE 2018 (3M)

Q. How did the Tiger King’s marriage bring him closer to his target ? CBSE AI 2019 1-4-3 (3M)

Q. Why did the Maharaja decide to get married ? CBSE AI 2019 1-5-2 (3M)

The tiger population at Pratibandapuram became extinct and he had killed 70 tigers / wanted to marry a girl in the royal family of the state with a large tiger population / had to fulfill his vow of killing 100 tigers

Q. When did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax for a village ? CBSE AI 2017-3 (3M)

Q. Why did the Maharaja decide to double the land tax in a hillside village ? CBSE AI 2019 1-5-1 (3M)

-Tiger King was left with one more tiger to complete his target of hundred

- A tiger reported near the hillside village

- Desperate to kill but not able to find, the king got furious

- doubled the land tax

Q. What made the chief astrologer place his finger on his nose ? CBSE AI 2019 1-1-1 (3M)

Q. What great miracle did the ten-day-old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur perform ? How did it affect the people who listened to him ? CBSE AI 2019 1-1-2 (3M)

- ten day infant enunciated clearly

- raised intelligent questions

- asked about the manner of his death

- astrologer was transfixed in stupefaction

(any two)

Q. How did the Tiger King ‘manage to kill’ the hundredth tiger ? CBSE AI 2019 1-1-3 (3M)

Q. How was the hundredth tiger made available to the king ? CBSE AI 2019 1-5-3 (3M)

- hundredth tiger arranged by the Dewan

- king shot at the tiger but missed the aim

- believed he had killed the hundredth tiger

- hunters realised that the tiger was not dead

- killed it

(any two)

Q. Who actually killed the hundredth tiger in ‘The Tiger King’ ? Why ? CBSE AI 2019 1-4-1 (3M)

·        One of the hunters killed the tiger

·        King’s bulled missed the tiger.

(any one)

·        Hunters could not dare to inform the king

·        Fear of losing jobs

·        Killed the tiger themselves

(any one)

Q. The Tiger King wanted to protect himself from a tiger attack. Describe the difficulties created by him for his officials and subjects. CBSE AI 2019 1-3-1 (6M)

- Tiger king- eccentric, whimsical, illogical

- minions lived in fear of the king’s wrath/ afraid of losing their jobs/ obeyed out of fear, not sincerity

- intimidated the state astrologer and his dewan

- made dewan look for a suitable bride from a kingdom having maximum tiger population

- fired many officers and threatened dewan to resign from his post when the 100th tiger could not be found

- Shopkeeper didn’t quote the actual price of wooden tiger/ afraid of being punished under the rules of emergency

(any other relevant point) (any three value points)

Q. Describe the efforts made by the Tiger King to achieve his target of killing a hundred tigers. CBSE AI 2019 1-2-1 (6M)

- hunting of tigers was banned except for the Maharaja

- had to pay 50 gold rings to the British officer

- after extinction of all tigers in his kingdom–married in a royal family which boasted of a larger tiger population

- A tiger was brought from the people’s park in Madras for him to hunt.

Q. Why did no one in Pratibandapuram experience any sorrow and anguish at the death of the Tiger King ? CBSE AI 2019 1-4-2 (6M)

·        A typical king reveling in his power and authority / very arrogant

·        Conceited and blinded by power

·        Concerned only to fulfill his own whims and wishes / selfish and self-centred

·        No concern for the welfare of his state or its people

·        King behaves like a dictator to fulfill his wish to kill 100 tigers / no love for animals

·        Goes to extremes to achieve what he wants

·        When happy, announces exemption from taxes; but when angry, doubles taxes, announces severe punishments

·        His death brings belief to everyone

*** Good Luck ***

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