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Sunday 26 April 2020

My Mother at Sixty-six by Kamla Das

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Today we will discuss the first poem of your syllabus My mother at sixty six by Kamla Das. Her pen name is Madhivikutti. But she has not used it for this poem. She was born in Kerala and One of the formost poet of India writing in English. She mostly deals with human relationship and depict a stark contrast in human relations. Mother at Sixty-Six is an emotional poem by which deals with the themes of aging, a person’s love for her mother, separation from her due to death. We will study the poem in 3 steps

1. Critical appreciation of the poem

2. Use of poetic devices

3. Textual Questions and their answers.

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Critical Appreciation :

The poem is a first person confessional poem. The entire poem is written in a single sentence. Poet has beautifully presented her apprehensions of her aged mother’s emotions and the inevitable act of separation which is surely to happen. For better understanding we are dividing the analysis into two parts. The first part of the analysis will deal with the emotional experience of the poet during her travel in the car and the second will deal with her experience at the airport when she gets separated from her mother

Driving from my parent’s

home to Cochin last Friday

morning, I saw my mother,

beside me,

doze, open mouthed, her face

ashen like that

of a corpse and realised with pain

that she was as old as she

looked but soon

put that thought away, and

looked out at Young

Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling

out of their homes,

The poet was driving from her parent’s home to Cochin Airport the previous Friday. While inside the car, she saw her mother beside her doze off. The image of a woman weakened by age, dozing off with her mouth open leaves a very strong impression on the speaker who feels that her mother’s face resembles the pale face of a dead body ( like that of a corpse). The poet is deeply disturbed with the ageing of her mother and her approaching death & she tries to put the thought away by looking outside the window where she saw trees sprinting and merry children spilling out of their homes. Here trees are not sprinting actually but they are seen moving while the poet is sitting in the car. There is a contrast between the youthful and energetic life outside the window and the other aged, pale face of her mother inside the car.

but after the airport’s

security check, standing a few yards

away, I looked again at her, wan, pale

as a late winter’s moon and felt that old

familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,

but all I said was, see you soon, Amma,

all I did was smile and smile and smile......

Now we are moving to the second part of our critical appreciation i.e. emotional apprehensions of the poet at the airport while her mother is at some distance. Her mother’s face is compared with late winter’s moon. “Winter” is used to indicate the inevitable death of her mother considering her ageing, wan, pale face. At this moment poet feels the old familiar ache of separation from her mother as she has experienced in her childhood. To give her mother a cheerful farewell and the repeated smiles signify her helplessness concerning her inevitable separation.

Use of Poetic Devices :

1. Simile :

        a) her face ashen like that of a corpse

        b) I looked again at her, wan, pale as a late winter’s moon

2. Personification :

        a) Trees Sprinting

3. Repetition :

        a) all I did was smile and smile and smile…


Textual Questions and their answers :

1. What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?

Ans : Poet feels the ache of separation from mother as she is getting older and her ageing is quite evident on her face too.

2. Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’?

Ans : The trees are not ‘sprinting’, but they are seen sprinting while the poet is sitting in the moving car and loking out of the window.

3. Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children ‘spilling out of their homes’?

Ans : The poet is very much disturbed by the feeling of separation from her mother when she apprehended the face of her mother resembling with that of a corpse. She wants to put that such bad thought away so she looked outside.

4. Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’?

Ans : The face of poet’s mother is wan (colourless) and pale and resembling the pale colour of late winter’s moon. Winter is the ending season of the year which is a signal by the poet towards the approaching end of her mother as she is ageing.

5. What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?

Ans : The parting words “See you soon, Amma” shows poet’s desire to see her mother again as well as her fear of her demise and thus being separated.But she is helpless and to her mother a cheerful farewell she repeated smiles only towards her mother.

Mindmap to revise the poem :

Questions appeared in the previous years’ CBSE papers :

1. CBSE AISSCE 2015 Set-1


looked out at young

trees sprinting, the merry children spilling

out of their homes, but after the airport’s

security check, standing a few yards

away, I looked again at her, wan,


as a late winter’s moon and felt that


familiar ache, ... … …


(a) How can the trees sprint ?                                  1

(b) Why did the poet look at her mother again ?      1

(c) What did she observe ?                                       1

(d) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines.        1

Value points suggested by CBSE :

a) – movement of trees backward as the car moves ahead

b) – to see her before departing / her feeling of anxiety and insecurity / love for her mother makes her look at her mother again

c) – observed her pale unhealthy appearance / resembling the late winter moon

d) – simile (as a late winte’s moon)

2. CBSE AISSCE 2016 Set-1

……. I saw my mother,

Beside me,

doze, open mouthed, her face

ashen like that

of a corpse and realized with

pain ……….

(a) Who is ‘I’ ?                                  1

(b) What did ‘I’ realize with pain        1

(c) Why was the realization painful?  1

(d) Identify and name the figure of speech used in these lines.        1

Value points suggested by CBSE in answes:

a) – poet / Kamala Das / poetess / narrator / daughter (any 1)

b) – realised with pain that mother nearing old age / mom’s death / separation from mother (any 1)

c) – the mother’s approaching death was a hard fact for her to accept – thoughts of separation from her mother made the poet sad     (any 1)

d) – simile ‘ashen like that of a corpse

3. CBSE AISSCE 2017 Set-1

9. (c) Having looked at her mother, why does Kamala Das look at the young children ?

Ans : The poet is emotionally disturbed by the doze, open mouthed face of her mother resembling that of a corpse. It gives her the feeling of separation from her mother and to put that thought away she looked outside of the car.

Value points suggested by CBSE in answes:

a)     -to drive away pain

-fear of separation from her mother

-children symbolic of life/ energy/ dynamism/ happiness

-to distract from thoughts of her ageing mother. (any two)

4. CBSE AISSCE 2019 Set 1-1-1

I looked again at her, wan, pale

as a late winter’s moon and felt that old

familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,

but all I said was, see you soon, Amma,

all I did was smile and smile and smile …

(i) Name the poet and the poem.      1

(ii) What was the poet’s childhood fear ?  1

(iii) What is the poetic device used in lines 1- 2 ?    1

(iv) Explain : ‘late winter’s moon’.    1

Value points suggested by CBSE in answes:

a) Poem – My Mother at Sixty –six,  Poet – Kamala Das

b) fear of separation from her mother / losing her mother

c) as a late winter’s moon / Simile

d) dull and obscure / hazy / not shining / dim

5. CBSE AISSCE 2019 Set 1-4-1

but soon

put that thought away, and

looked out at young,

trees sprinting, the merry children spilling

out of their homes.

(a) Name the poem and the poet.     1

(b) What thought did the poet put away ?        1

(c) Why are the young trees described as sprinting ?               1

(d) How do you know that the joyful scene did not help her drive away ‘that thought’ from her mind ?                 1

Value points suggested by CBSE in answes:

a) Poem – My Mother at Sixty –six,  Poet – Kamala Das

b) fear of separation from her mother/ ageing mother/ losing her to death

c) because the poet was in a moving car, trees seem to be running in the opposite direction.

d) at the security check, once again the old fear of separation came back / old familiar ache

6. CBSE AISSCE 2018 Set 1-1 (Compartment Exam)

I looked again at her, wan, pale

as a late winter’s moon and felt that old

familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,

but all I said was, ‘See you soon, Amma’

all I did was smile and smile and smile........

(a) What was the poet’s childhood fear ? 1

(b) Why is the mother compared to a late winter’s moon ? 1

(c) What were the poet’s parting words ? 1

(d) What does her smile signify ? 1

Value points suggested by CBSE in answes:

a) the fear was separation from her mother / loss of her mother / mother’s death

b) to refer to her pale and wan appearance / to emphasize the paleness of the mother’s face

c) they were “See you soon, Amma.”

d) signifies her attempt to hide her fear from her mother / attempt to reassure her mother

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