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Sunday, 19 April 2020

Notice Writing Class XI, XII CBSE

Notice Writing


A notice is an announcement by some authority intended to be read by some targeted people. It is usually displayed publicly as on a school / college notice – board. The specific features of a notice are :

1.    Written to inform a large number of people at least more than one.
2.    Could be about a forthcoming event, competition or Lost and found etc.
3.    Written generally in a formal language.
4.    Language used must be to-the-point. It should be simple and formal.
5.    It should be in complete sentences or even in the form of a short paragraph.

Format :

         For ease of learning we can devide notice into its six formative parts :
1)   Name of Organization with address & NOTICE word below it.
2)   Date of issuing the Notice.
3)   Small caption about the Topic
4)   Body / Content
5)   Name of the issuing authority.
6)   Designation of the issuing authority.
·        The students are to put the notice in a box. However the candidate will not be penalized if he/she has used capital letters for writing a notice within or without a box.
·        Avoid any repetition of ideas.
·        Avoid presenting imagined facts. Use the facts given in the question already.
·        The purpose of the Notice is to supply the information / make the announcement – so it should be crisp clear, short, to the point and pithy.

 Marking Scheme :
a)   Format    (includes all 6 parts of the notice)              01 Mark
b)   Content                                                                      02 Mark
c)   Expression                                                                 01 Mark

Content :

I) Word Limit : 50 words maximum as is prescribed by the CBSE.

II) Language
a)   Use of Simple sentences.
b)   Passive voice is lavishly used
(i) A meeting will be held ……....
(ii) The Flower show is arranged …….
(iii) All are cordially invited…….
(iv) The names should be submitted …….
(v) The competition will be held …….
(vi) Those who are interested ……..
c) Sentences beginning with Subjects like This, It etc.,
(i) This is to inform all the students that………
(ii) It has been decided to go for a tour to Shimla …...
(iii) It has come to the notice of the u/s
d) Do not put your own signature / name at the end.

III) Ws to be answered

a) What is to happen? & by Whom it is to be organized?
-Mention the event in detail and the details of the host.
b) When it is to happen?
-Date and time
c) Where it is to happen?
d) How is it going to be done?/Who can participate?
-On payment / ticket / free
-Which class / no. of participants / name of the chief guest etc.
e) Who will be the Chief Guest ?  (if any)
-mention the name of the chief guest of the dignitory who will preside over the ceremony.

Solved Examples :
Q. 1 Your school is organizing a fete to collect funds for charity. Only school students are eligible to put up stalls. As Samay/ Somya, Head boy / Head Girl of Meera International School, Dehradoon, draft a notice in not more than 50 words to be put up announcing sale of stalls giving all other necessary details.
Ans :

Q. 2 Arts Club of your school is going to organize a drawing and painting competition. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, to be displayed on the school notice board, inviting students to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Rishabh/Ridhima, Secretary, Arts Club, Sunrise Public School, Gurugram, Haryana. (CBSE 2019)
ü  Hints for Checking of answers given in the CBSE Marking Scheme :
Heading : DRAWING AND PAINTING COMPETITION / Any other relevant title
Suggested value points:
-what - drawing and painting competition                 -who – Art Club
-when – date & time                                                      -where - venue
-who can participate / eligibility
-last date of submission of names -> inviting participants
( any other relevant detail)


Q. 3 You are Kumar/Ankita, Secretary, West End Cooperative Group Housing Society, Vasundhara. Write a notice in not more than 50 words requesting the members to attend a meeting of the society to discuss the problem of irregular supply of drinking water to the residents. (CBSE 2019)

Ans :

Q. 4 As Principal of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lucknow draft a notice in not more than 50 words informing students of the change in school timing with effect from the 1st of May. State valid reasons for change. (CBSE 2009)
Ans :

Q. 5: Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of March for cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store water for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary, Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool. (CBSE 2016)
Ans :

Q. 6 Yesterday, during lunch break you misplaced your notes on chemistry lectures. You want to get them back. Write a notice in about 50 words for the school notice board. You are Karuna/Karan, a student of class XII A. (CBSE 2016-Set 2)
Ans :

Q. 7 The Principal, Sunshine Public School, Dindigul has invited the Inspector of Police (Traffic) to deliver a lecture on ―Road Safety‖ in her school. Draft a notice in about 50 words informing the students to assemble in the school auditorium. (CBSE 2017 SET 2)
Ans :

Q. 8 Your club is going to organise an interclass singing competition. Write a notice in about 50 words inviting names of the students who want to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Music Club, Akash Public School, Agra. (CBSE 2015 Set 1,2,3)
Ans :

Q. 9 You are Smitha/Sunil, Secretary AVM Housing Society. You are going to organize a blood donation camp. Write a notice iin not more than 50 words, urging the members of your society to come in large numbers for this noble cause. Invent all the necessary details. (CBSE 2013 SET 1)
Ans :

More Questions for practice :
1. You are Ranjit / Rajita, Head Boy / Head Girl of DAV Public School, Kapurthala. A few students of your school have not deposited their exam fees. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the deposit of the same.

2. You are Rohit the School captain of Vinayaka School. Your school is going to organize a field trip to Amristar Golden Temple for XII class. Draft a notice for the notice board.

3. Niranjan School of Sindhudur in Maharashtra is organizing a Magic Show. As the Principal of the said school write a notice giving essential details about the same.

4. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting for one day Eye Check- up Camp to be organized in your school. You are Raman, Head Boy, JNV, Mau.

5. Ramanujan has lost his English Book entitled “History of English Literature’ by Smith. He decides to put up a notice on the students’ notice board of the school. He is a student of class XII of Saint Kabir School, New Delhi. Write a notice in not more than 50 words

6. You are Rakesh Kumar the Cultural Secretary of your Vidyalaya. Your school is going to organize a guest lecture on “Population explosion in India “by an eminent educationist of your area. Write a notice for your school notice board giving full details for the same.

7. You are Ramesh, School Captain of R.K.Academy, Dehradoon. Your school is going to celebrate the 25th Foundation Day. Draft a notice for the school notice board requesting the students of your school to be present on the occasion and participate actively in the events. 

***  Good Luck  ***

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