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Thursday 30 April 2020

The Third Level - Jack Finney

Hello Friends

Today we will discuss the first chapter of the Supplementary Reader  “Vistas”

The Third Level by Jack Finney

About the Author :

Walter Braden "Jack" Finney (1911 - 1995) was an American author. His best-known works are science fiction and thrillers, including The Body Snatchers & Time and Again

Theme of “The Third Level” By Jack Finney

          The chapter is a science fiction and based on two basic themes i.e. Time travel and Escapism. The author has become extremely successful in depicting psychologically disturbed state of the protagonist Charley, (31 yrs middle class citizen of New York) who is in search of some refuse from the modern day life which is full of worries, insecurities and fatigues. Everyone wants to escape from such grim realities of the modern day world.

The world’s largest railway station “Grand Central Station” which has only two levels from where you can take trains. In order to escape from the fear, insecurities, war and complexities of the present fast moving world Charley takes refuse in a “Walking dream wish fulfillment” of visiting the third level of the Grand Central Station. In reality there is no third level. When he was on the Third Level he noticed 1894 style dresses of the people there, smaller ticket windows and tried to check the date on a news paper. He wants to go to Galesburg in Illinois of 1894 which is considered by him to be more happier a place than the modern day world. But he could not get there as he was not having the currency to buy two tickets one for him and other for his wife Louisa. Suddenly he came out of his waking dream and could not find it later. But his efforts to go there could not stop. He changed all his money in old style currency as well.

At this moment he get to know that his psychiatrist friend Sam is missing. He and his wife tried their best but failed in their efforts to find him.

Charley becomes busy now in Philately, a hobby and indicator of escape of his grandfather as well. He is having a huge collection of stamps and first day covers. In his collection he found a first day cover which was from Sam and addressed to Charley. He opened it and read it. Sam says that the third level does exist. He has reached Galesburg and started his own business there. There are two explanations to explain the contents of this letter. First is that Sam is a psychiatrist and wants to comfort his psychologically disturbed patient Charley. This letter may have been a part of his treatment. Secondly Sam may also have been experiencing the same stress of worries, insecurities and fatigues of the modern day life. He may have been feeling himself relaxed with the Walking dream wish fulfillment of the existence of the Third Level in the Grand Central Station, as it has been discussed by Charley during one of his meetings.

 Important Characters :

1.   Charley      –        the protagonist

2.   Louisa        –        Charley’s wife

3.   Sam            -        Charley’s Psychiatrist Friend.

Let's revise through a mindmap :
Now study the Original Text and note down the difficult meanings :







make a solemn statement



Inclined at an angle


a large quantity of something.








Shining unsteadily


a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.



a bowl or other container that's made for spitting into


The state of being safe



With a sharp cracking sound


a tunnel under a road for use by pedestrians.



take a brief or hurried look


a yellowish-brown colour.



furrow one's brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure


tough, tightly woven fabric used to make suits



With a handgrip at each end

Straw hat

hat that is woven out of straw or straw-like materials



a strip of hair in front of ears


run into



Engine of a train


a long passage in a building from which doors lead into rooms



busy oneself restlessly

Pushing out





Watch the Video and carefully study the PPT of mind-maps covering all aspects of the chapter :

Download PPT - The Third Level

Questions and Answers - The Third Level : (Textual and from CBSE AI Papers)

Q. 1 What does the third level refer to? (Page : 1)

Ans : It is a medium of escape for the protagonist Charley from the insecurities, war, anxieties and worries of the modern day world. In fact Grand Central Station has only 2 levels but a third level has been imagined by Charley there to get train to reach Galesburg (Illinois) of 1984.

Q. 2 Would Charley ever go back to the ticket-counter on the third level to buy tickets to Galesburg for himself and his wife? (Page : 5)

Ans : No, Charley could not go back to the ticket counter on the third level as it was his fantasy. In real the Grand Central Station has only 2 levels.

Q. 1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why? (Page : 7)            CBSE AI 2008

Ans : Yes, the Third Level is a medium of escape for Charley. Sam his Psychiatrist friend explained him that the modern life is full of insecurities, fear, war and worries. Man has to face a lot of anxieties and complexities of the modern life. This makes him unpleasant and even unbearable. So he wants some escape in a world which he wish. Sam calls it “a walking-dream wish fulfillment”. During one such incident he fantasized to be on the third level where everything is just like 1980s and tried to buy 2 tickets to reach his favourite place Galesburg (Illinois). But failed, for not having proper bills of currency. Later he could not get to the third Level any more. But his search continued till the end of the chapter.

Q. 2. What do you infer from Sam’s letter to Charley? (Page : 7)        or 

        What did the narrator come across in his stamp collection ? Why was he surprised ?        CBSE AI 2011    or

        Why did Charley suspect that Sam had gone to Galesburg ?                                               CBSE AI 2011          

Ans : Charley found the letter of Sam in his collection of First Day Covers. It was written on July 18, 1894. The postmark showed the Picture of President Garfield. Sam tells through letter that Charley was right. Third level does exist in the Grand Central Station and he has reached Galesburg. Life in Galesburg is very easy and enjoying. He also invited him to come to Galesburg with his wife Louisa. There could be 2 explanation for such statement. First is that Sam may also have seeking some refuse from the complexities of the modern world and the idea shared by Charley seemed convincing to him. Second is that Sam may have been trying to apply some psychological therapy on his patient Charley.

Q. 3 ‘The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress.’ What are the ways in which we attempt to overcome them?

Ans : In order to escape from the harsh realities of the insecurities, war, worries and anxieties of the routine and fast life we all try to be involved in some activity based hobbies, spending time with our family or friends, going on trips to some new place, writing diaries, reading books or take help of meditation to be healthy and psychologically balanced. In the chapter “The Third Level” the protagonist is having a hobby of philately i.e. collecting stamps and First Day Covers since his grandfather was alive. In order to avoid the insecurity, fear, war, worry and stress of his life Charley fantasizes that there is a third level in the Grand Central Station. He wants to take train to Galesburg (Illinois) of 1894 which was considered by him more peaceful and enjoyable.

Q. 4. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?

Ans : Yes, Some instances of the story are based on the Time Travel and show an intersection of time and space. Firstly, in the present time there are only 2 levels in the Grand Central Station while Charley takes us to the third level in 1890s. Secondly, Charley even though being present in the present time wish to buy 2 tickets to Galesburg, thus exchanges his all savings with old style currency. Once Charley had been on the third level but could not buy tickets as he was not having old style currency of 1894. To ensure that it is 1890s he checked the date on the news paper which was of 11 June, 1894. The construction of the third level and clothes of the people there were also of old style while Charley was wearing Tan Gabardine suit and a straw hat. Charley found a letter from his Psychiatrist friend Sam of 18th July, 1894 in his collection of First Day Covers, addressed to his grandfather, while Sam and Charley both live in the present.

Q. What did Charley learn about Sam from the stamp and coin store.                                    CBSE AI 2012
Ans : Charley get to know from the stamp and coin store that Sam had exchanged his 800 dollors into old style currency of 1980s to set up a business of hey, feed and grain.
Q. How does Charley, the narrator describe the third level at Grand Central Station ?            CBSE AI 2013
Ans : Charley found that the rooms were small, there were fewer ticket windows and train gates, and the information booth in the centre was wood and old looking. The man in the booth wore a green eyeshade and long black sleeve protectors. The lights were dim and sort of flickering as they were open flame gas lights. There were brass spittoons on the floor  and people were wearing old style dresses along with handlebar mustache.

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